Time Step Exercise Series (Click to view)
Starts with Chug stamp (L.R) on ‘and 8’ of intro.
Double Time-step – flick R, heel L, step R, tap-step L, ball-flat (R,L) X 6 alternating feet.
Break for nothing
Repeat of time-steps from section 1 picking up on the ‘and 8’ of the break bar.
Double Time-step X 6
Maxie Ford to L –( L Drop, R shuffle pick-up ball-change R,L)
Repeat to right.
Ball-change (L,R), ball-flat (L,R)
Repeat Double time-steps X 6
R Pick-up, L heel, R shuffle step, L shuffle-step, ball-change (R,L), ball-change (R,L), R shuffle toe-heel, L stamp.
Repeat Double time-steps X 6, starting on L foot
Altered Break:
L Pick-up, R heel L shuffle step, R shuffle-step, ball-change (L,R), step L, R shuffle toe-heel, L stamp.
Repeat X 6 double time-steps, starting on L foot
L heel, R shuffle toe-heel, L heel flick toe-heel, R ball heel toe (3 beat riff), L heel, R heel flick toe-heel.
L heel flick toe-heel, R shuffle toe-heel, L heel flick toe-heel
Repeat X 6 double time-steps
Repeat break
Starting with a pick-up on the right foot.
Double X 1
Double triple X 1(L pick-up, R hop, L tap-step, R shuffle ball-change (R.L), R stamp
Double X 1
Double triple X1
Double X 1
Doube triple X 1
Double triple X 2
Starts with Chug stamp (L.R) on ‘and 8’ of intro.
Double Time-step – flick R, heel L, step R, tap-step L, ball-flat (R,L) X 6 alternating feet.
Break for nothing
Repeat of time-steps from section 1 picking up on the ‘and 8’ of the break bar.
Double Time-step X 6
Maxie Ford to L –( L Drop, R shuffle pick-up ball-change R,L)
Repeat to right.
Ball-change (L,R), ball-flat (L,R)
Repeat Double time-steps X 6
R Pick-up, L heel, R shuffle step, L shuffle-step, ball-change (R,L), ball-change (R,L), R shuffle toe-heel, L stamp.
Repeat Double time-steps X 6, starting on L foot
Altered Break:
L Pick-up, R heel L shuffle step, R shuffle-step, ball-change (L,R), step L, R shuffle toe-heel, L stamp.
Repeat X 6 double time-steps, starting on L foot
L heel, R shuffle toe-heel, L heel flick toe-heel, R ball heel toe (3 beat riff), L heel, R heel flick toe-heel.
L heel flick toe-heel, R shuffle toe-heel, L heel flick toe-heel
Repeat X 6 double time-steps
Repeat break
Starting with a pick-up on the right foot.
Double X 1
Double triple X 1(L pick-up, R hop, L tap-step, R shuffle ball-change (R.L), R stamp
Double X 1
Double triple X1
Double X 1
Doube triple X 1
Double triple X 2