We would like to thank all those who have been instrumental in establishing the unique resource that is Tap Rhythm.
We also extend our gratitude to Federation University for their initial support. Without their assistance we may not have been able to take this initial tap step forward. A significant step not only for the university but also for our regional arts industry.
As quoted by Jane Goldberg tap dance is passed on by “word of foot” and as our good friend Josh Hilberman says, “ new steps come from messing up old steps.”
David would like to extend his gratitude to the special contributors to the art of tap dance whom he has worked or studied with, who are no longer with us and those who still continue to inspire. Notably they include: Yvonne Goodman, Lorrie Clark, Vikki Charleston, Joan Brockenshire, Randy Skinner, Tracey Wilson, Grant Swift, Paul Davis, Jason Samuels-Smith, Rusty Frank, Brenda Bufalino, Miriam Nelson, Faye Ray, Dean Diggins, Tom Hodgson, Josh Hilberman and Thelma Goldberg.
Photography credit: Jodie Hutchinson