This step can be performed with a Spring or Pick-up. Similarly, it can be ended with a Knock, a Dig, or a Ball-Change bringing feet together.
(a) Maxi-Ford with Spring and Toe Knock
R Drop, L Shuffle-Spring, R Toe-Knock (behind other leg)
(b) Maxi-Ford with Spring and Dig (alternating legs)
R Drop, L Shuffle-Spring, R Dig (bring R foot into the L on dig)
(c) Maxi-Ford with Spring and Ball-Change (alternating legs)
R Drop, L Shuffle Ball-Change (L,R – crossing R foot behind)
(d) Maxi-Ford with Pick-up and Toe Knock
R Drop, L Shuffle, R Pick-up change, R Toe-Knock (behind other leg)
(e) Maxi-Ford with Pick-up and Dig (alternating legs)
R Drop, L Shuffle, R Pick-up change, R Dig (bring R foot into the L on dig)
(f) Maxi-Ford with Pick-up and Ball-Change (alternating legs)
R Drop, L Shuffle, R Pick-up Ball-Change (L,R – crossing R foot behind)